시험 학습 계획 posted at 08:07 One of the most common questions I get is how I plan out my studying before an important test to make sure that everything possible is covered in the available study time. I am not saying my method is the correct way when planning, I have to admit I am my own worse enemy when it comes to studying and numerous times I have over done it to the extent my brain instead dissolves the information than take it in. Of course as a University student I have the great resource of the library study spaces but the most important thing I suggest first is that you find a quiet area that has minimum distractions i.e. no laptop, no television, no mobile phone. When studying in my own bedroom I am always looking out the window, looking at my posters, going to get food every five minutes, so being in a place like the library really holds you back from being totally distracted from your work. Before I start to study to get the main idea of what I need to cover I make a vague plan of every point I have to review. As I have said before in my classes, every five chapters in my textbook is the point where we have to begin studying for our next review test. Mine is in just another two weeks and I have been studying bit by bit in the last week, but here I will show you how I divide the topics chapter by chapter (in this test we are covering chapters 16-20 of 'Continuing Korean' - please look at my earlier textbook post to refer to this book). Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Additional Studying
There you have what my typical study plan looks for the review tests. I like including all the forms and meanings because I can just review this plan quickly without extensive grammar notes to check I remember their meanings. Don't be put off about how complex it seems as I am at a elementary level and beginners shouldn't be frightened by the Korean they don't recognize just yet! This can also give a little taster of how much a Korean language degree student has to learn in the span of about 2 months in classes. It doesn't seem much written down in note form but there is about 100+ pages of textbook notes I have to cover ^^;;
One of my last tips is to make sure to plan early!!! The earlier you plan and the smaller chunks of studying you can fit in means you have less to cram the few days before an exam. It takes less strain and stress on your temperament as well if you're like me and get easily distracted. My favourite method of study breaks is every time I need to fill up my water bottle I go on a little ten minute walk around my University building so I can relax a little and stretch my legs so maybe some of you could try that? ^^
Remember to comment if you have any further questions or queries!
Labels: korean help, korean progress, study plan, test |
My name is 루시 (Lucy) and I am a 2nd year student of BA Korean in London, but currently I am studying at Korea University in Seoul.
This blog will include helpful tips and hints on how to learn the Korean language but will also show my own progress in studying. I will also aim to post reviews on Korean products and will post videos of my adventures. |